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​A Beginner’s Guide to Quick and Easy Diaper Changing

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First time parents take weeks of mastering the art of diaper changing, or at least find a way to spend less time working on it. While diaper changing may not be every parent’s favorite task, it surely is convenient to know a thing or two on how to get the hang of it.

Every mommy usually has her own technique in changing diapers, and we believe you will too but until then, we would be delighted to shed some light and give you some helpful tips.

Here are 4 things to consider when changing diapers:

1. Set up the Essentials

Diaper changing is easier when you have everything prepared before it’s the changing time. Keep the diaper changing table clean and organized. And on the days out with your baby, a complete portable diaper changing kit will be handy. In fact, there are changing table organizers that can be a bag insert as well. Take a look at these cool mommy items:

KF Baby Insert Organizer         KF Baby Wet Dry Set


       KF Baby Pail Liner

      KF Baby Stroller Organizer

Have everything stored here and you are good to go for any impulsive afternoon stroll and more.

2. Get Down and Dirty

Diaper changing is a dirty duty. Make sure to wipe well all traces of poop from your baby’s legs and other neighboring areas. Keep in mind that a newborn baby’s skin is very delicate. Also, wash your hands with soap after changing the diaper.

3. Baby’s Safety First

Buckle up your little darling. Especially when your baby is on the changing table, never leave your baby unattended. Always keep your eyes on him to avoid unexpected mishaps. If you need to change on the floor, you may do so. Changing on the floor may be the safest way, in case your baby is all hyperactive.

4. Sing and Make Faces

Tricking your little one in thinking diaper changing is a fun activity is not easy but a little effort in singing or playing around might be worth a try. Also, seeing your darling smile and giggle would make you feel less stressed during these kinds of mommy tasks.


Motherhood brings both joy and challenges. The first few weeks may be the hardest but despite all those sleepless nights and effort in making things perfect for you and your baby, seeing your baby smile and grow every single day is a priceless gift you wouldn’t trade for the world.

kilofly admires all mothers for their hardwork and unconditional love for their baby. To give you more options and convenience in your day-to-day mommy duties, here are some popular mommy treats you might be interested in:

KF Baby Gray Organizer

kilofly Diaper Bag Insert

KF Baby Insert Organizer

KF Baby Travel Backpack

For a full list on what to store in your mom bag see also: A Mommy’s Checklist: Packing a Diaper Bag.

You may also check out this link to see more: kilofly Baby Items.

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